Birthday Parties

1 to 2 Hours
Up to 16 people
By Arrangement Only
Prices from £100 for 8 people
We can offer Birthday Parties for children from 7 upwards (or adults!) Younger children can attend but we feel that it’s important that the person who’s Birthday it is has a good and memorable time, and generally children under 7 may not fully appreciate the experience. We do not have enough team members to supervise the children so we require one adult for every three children. There are two options available:
For a group of up to and including 8 people, we will run as a Meet & Greet but with the session dedicated to your group. We will start with an introductory talk, then meet and feed the alpacas, and finish with a look at their fleece and hot or cold drinks. The cost for a dedicated session for up to 8 people will be £100 and it will last about an hour.
For groups of over 8 up to a maximum of 16 people we run things slightly differently. We have the same introductory talk, but then we split into two smaller groups, one will meet and feed the alpacas while the other plays games in the field. After half hour the two groups will swap round. Then everyone will meet up for a look at the fleece and drinks at the end. For each person over the original 8, we charge an extra £12, so for the maximum of 16 people the cost would be £196. The session lasts 90 minutes. Organising the games will be your responsibility although we can assist with craft resources to do indoors if the weather is bad. We don’t have enough team members to supervise both groups as our main responsibility is with the alpacas, but we may be able to assist.
We do not supply food, although we can supply hot and cold drinks. You are welcome to bring your own food and have the use of the pod to serve and eat it at the end of the event if you like. If you wish to provide food an extra half hour will be added to the total running time for the food at the end of the session and a charge of £30 will be made for the additional time.
We can also offer party bags, we can discuss contents and costs prior to the event. You are welcome to supply decorations for the event and we will help you put them up before your guests arrive.
The event can be customised and we would recommend meeting up before hand for a brew so you can see the venue and we can discuss your requirements specifically.